
Now being such a pale person I find it extremely hard to find a drugstore foundation to suit my skin! I mean I could go to Mac and by my shade (NW15) but no one always has the money to buy higher end foundations!

Here is my review on some foundations I have purchased from my local pharmacy. What I like and what I don’t like.

Covergirl Classic Ivory
I find the covergirl has extremely good coverage and the shade is good during summer. But unfortunately once I make my way into winter it stop makes me looking flawless and starts making me look like a dorrito. The foundation is amazing with my super sensitive skin and I think this may be because of the olay in it, however the orange tone I get from it just doesn’t make me compromise that amazing finish.

Maybelline Light Beige

This foundation sticks! If you need a long wearing foundation this is your guy. However if you dont apply it properly first go and notice you have a line later in the day Goodluck getting that one off! I find the shades are really nice for us super pale people. I sometimes mix this foundation with others just to get the foundation to help stick my others to my face!

Rimmel Stay Matte Ivory
This is a perfect going out foundation. The shade is a more brown even with the lightest finish but i find it just gives you amazing coverage if you’re going out. Just don’t apply too much or you will start to look like a cake. This is one matte foundation I have found that doesn’t seem to dry out the skin and it will last a fair while before starting to rub off. I wouldn’t recommend for an everday foundation unless you mix it with a lighter weight one.

Rimmel Light Porcelain
All time favourite! This founds stays on like you wouldnt believe and has amazing coverage as well as an amazing finish. It doesn’t dry the skin out either! The shade is just perfect for any one with pale skin. It gives you such a smooth flawless finish and lasts forever! But is so easy to apply. When I say lasts forever I mean you could wear it all day, go to sleep with it on (don’t recommend) and still wake up with a flawless finish! This is my all time favourite foundation for my pale skin and everyday use. You can also build it up however if you were going out. This builds up so nicely without giving you that cake face feel or look! If you haven’t tried it I recommend doing so!

I hope this little review has helped someone out!!
