Breakups are never easy, whether you’re the one getting their heart broken or you’re the one doing the heart breaking. You never know how the other person will react. Will it be heart wrenching pleas and cries or a simple ‘I understand’ 

Unfortunately recently I was unlucky to go through a break up myself. I’ll see the scenario for you. 

I left work that evening. Called my partner. Told him about my horrid day at work. He told me to call him once I finished school. I called him. He said he would come home soon. Finished with an I love you then a goodbye. I get home. I get comfy as I wait for him. An hour later he walks through the door. He was kinda off. I asked what was wrong. I got a nothing. He sat down next to me. I tried to cuddle him, hold his hand anything. But all I got was a no. I immediately jumped to the question ‘what did I do’ it was followed by ‘it’s not you. I can’t do this anymore, I can’t live here I’m not myself’ I was like okay, so you want to move? I was so naive at this point until he explained he didn’t want to be together. It was in that moment the tears flowed and well we were over and he was out the door. 

Now the tricky thing about breakups you are never 100% sure where you stand. Can you message them? Will they message you? Or is that are you never talking again? 

I tried my hardest not to message him but 2 days passed and I cracked. He just left, there was rent and bills to pay I couldn’t go in silenced. 

If I’ve learnt anything in my past years of experience it’s to keep all your messages short and sweet after a breakup. 

The hardest part about breakups (in my opinion anyways) is the loss in trust. I mean you love this person, they become a part of your life. They build this life with you and experience what you experience. You trust that they are your forever and they would never hurt you. But in that moment they break your heart that trust is gone. You then are made feel stupid for believing you had this life with someone. This someone you thought would be your forever. 

Now days, weeks, months and years go pass and you’re always left with that broken trust. You speak to them but are they speaking the trust or lieing? I mean you might think you trust them. But is it really there?

But what I’ve realised sometimes the trust isn’t always broken with the other person. Sometimes you break the trust in yourself. Can you trust yourself to find someone new? What if they break your heart too? What if you choose the wrong one? What if you make stupid decisions? 

You feel yourself with doubt. Which is the saddest part of the breakup. You stop knowing right from wrong with yourself and everything you do. 

Now what I’ve just said may not apply to everyone that reads this, but it’s my point of view and everyone experiences breakups differently. 
