

travel & beauty



New Covergirl Lash Bloom


So I recently purchased the New Covergirl Lash Bloom mascara. I would recommend this product to anyone looking for a good mascara that doesn’t look clumpy. I’ve been using it just over a week but I’m quick to know if I will like or hate a mascara. This mascara applies to easily and nicely. It doesn’t clump and I find it just glides on the lashes without sticking to the skin which I find some do. It also comes off so nicely without leaving you with major panda eyes.

Covergirl rarely does disappoint with their mascaras. But this one has just blown my mind. I don’t have the longest lashes either or they don’t curl even with a curler! But this definitely gives my lashes just that bit more definition. 

Double thumbs up for this amazing product! 👍👍 picture below is after I applied it ☺



Foundation Review – Pale Skin!


Now being such a pale person I find it extremely hard to find a drugstore foundation to suit my skin! I mean I could go to Mac and by my shade (NW15) but no one always has the money to buy higher end foundations!

Here is my review on some foundations I have purchased from my local pharmacy. What I like and what I don’t like.

Continue reading “Foundation Review – Pale Skin!”

A bit about me

I am not your average 21 year old female. I hardly drink, I don’t live at home. I have a full time career as well as am at school part time.

At 18 I found myself moving out of home. I was still studying towards my year 12 as well as working part time at my local supermarket.

At 19 I had my first full time job in Childcare. This only last 6 months before moving into dentistry.

At 21 now I am studying to be a qualified Dental Assistant. I am working full time in a Dental practice as well as casual work bar tending in a nightclub. I am saving my butt off for my USA trip in September. Still living out of home. Now with my partner, our puppy and kitten.

This blog was created to help me document my journey as well as helpful tips and tricks along the way. Whether these be life skills or others. I will also be blogging my travels as well as my beauty tips and favorites. Next year I hope to be studying a diploma in Specialist makeup.

I hope someone out there is interested in my story. If not, oh wells. I may not be the best writer. But I feel I am set out to help people. This is just the start of that Journey.


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